Student Thesis Competition

2024 ICAST 學生論文競賽公告

The purpose of Student Thesis Competition (STC) is to encourage students to enhance the ability of the academic research and practical technologies in the aerosol field. STC develops students’ skills for academic presentation and research communication so as to effectively enhance the explanation of their research.



  1. Participants must have the status of undergraduate, graduate or doctoral students in the field related to aerosol research, and are recommended by the supervisors. (Please download the following files from seminar website: application form, recommend letter and abstract form)
  2. Participants must complete their theses during the school year (PS: participants are still registered as students in June 2024).
  3. All the theses must be accomplished by the participants, and the supervisors can be co-author. Every participant is limited to submit one thesis.


STC preparation
The selection committee consists of the Organizing Committee, which has outstanding and excellent members from universities, research insitutes, governments and industry, to evaluate all the candidate theses. The STC is divided into two phases: primary selection and final selection. The primary election is based on documentary review, and nominators will be selected for final selection; the nominators will be invited to prepare an oral presentation and evaluated by the selection committee in the final selection. (PS: Those STC’s supervisors is not able to be any of the selection committee members.

檔案命名方式為「第三十一屆國際氣膠科技研討會學生論文競賽-姓名-單位(全名)-職稱」,例:第三十一屆國際氣膠科技研討會學生論文競賽-王美美-國立宜蘭大學環境工程研究所-碩士生,寄達本會籌備處電子郵件信箱[email protected][email protected],始完成投稿程序。

Participants should fill out the registration form with the recommendation of advisor, and their thesis in three pages (including the cover, pictures, tables and reference, the form of the thesis is available in the conference website). Participants should upload their thesis file (in PDF) and send to [email protected] before July 7, 2024 July 21 , 2024 August 9, 2024. The file name should be in the form: 31th International Aerogel Technology Seminar Student Thesis Competition – Name – unit (full name)”, for example: 31th International Aerogel Technology Seminar Student Thesis Competition – Mei-mei Wang – National Ilan University - Master student.
After the completion of the initial registration of the thesis for the registration and submission process, the shortlist of nominators and the schedule of oral presentation will be announced in the conference website, and participants will be notified by email according to the registration information.
Nominators must give an oral presentation at the classroom of National Ilan University from 10:00 to 17:00 on September 20-21, 2024. The oral presentation must be in English and slides (PowerPoint). The time is limited to 5 minutes per person. The short bell will be pressed once at 3 minutes, and the long bell for 5 minutes and end the oral presentation. Computers and projectors are available at the competition venue. Other hardware and software equipment should be prepared by the participants themselves.


  1. 評選出之優秀論文,於研討會閉幕式公布學生論文短獎競賽結果並頒發獎狀及獎金,且將於網頁上公告學生論文短講競賽結果與得獎作品。
  2. 決選得獎論文頒發獎狀一張及獎金,以玆鼓勵。第一名獎金為新臺幣參仟元($3,000元),第二名為新臺幣貳仟元($2,000元),第三名為新臺幣壹仟元($1,000元),並挑選三名學生頒發佳作獎。
  3. 獎狀為獲獎作品所有作者每人一張,獎金則於研討會閉幕式現場頒發,閉幕式獲獎學生未能親自出席受獎者,恕不補發獎金。


  1. The winners will receive a certificate of merit and a prize at the closing ceremony of the conference, and the results of STC will be announced on the website.
  2. First place: A certificate of merit and prize of $NTD 3000. Second place: A certificate of merit and prize of $NTD 2000. Third place: A certificate of merit and prize of $NTD 1000. For all nominators: A certificate of merit.
  3. The award will be confiscated if the winners cannot present at the closing ceremony of the conference.


Participants must not copy from any published or unpublished research reports and data. If they are reported and verified by others, they will be disqualified and punished according to relevant regulations. Please be care of academic ethics.


Any matters or conditions not specified in this guideline shall be determined by the selection committee.

聯絡方式:國立宜蘭大學環境工程學系(張章堂 教授):03-935-7400轉7068 [email protected]

Contact Information
Department of Environmental Engineering, National Ilan University (professor Chang-Tang Chang) :03-935-7068
[email protected]

2024 ICAST 學生海報競賽公告

I. Introduction
The purpose of Student Poster Competition (SPC) is to encourage students to enhance the ability of the academic research and practical technologies in the aerosol field. SPC develops students’ skills for academic presentation and research communication so as to effectively enhance the explanation of their research.


II. Eligibility

  1. Participants must have the status of undergraduate, graduate or doctoral students in the field related to aerosol research, and are recommended by the supervisors.
  2. Participants must complete their theses during the school year (PS: participants are still registered as students in June 2024).
  3. All the theses must be accomplished by the participants, and the supervisors can be co-author. Every participant is limited to submit one thesis.

1.海報請自行印製,於當日報到時間(09:00 - 10:00)於大會報到處報到,並張貼海報至指定位置。
(1) 內容70%:設計理念、整體性。
(2) 創意30%:創意特點、海報設計。
5.報名者請於 2024年7月7日2024年7月21日2024年8月9日午夜12時前,將「附件一、報名表」與「論文摘要Word+PDF檔 (格式請見中文摘要格式)」email至聯絡窗口,信件主旨請註明: 7/7_海報投稿_姓名,不需繳交紙本;當天請自行印製A0尺寸(寬84.1公分×高118.9公分)海報帶至會場張貼。

 聯絡窗口:國立宜蘭大學環境工程學系(張章堂 教授)
 連絡電話:03-935-7400轉7068
 E-mail:[email protected]
 海報格式不拘。
