

Dear fellow Aerosol Societies,

We have been very much looking forward to seeing many of your members at the European Aerosol Conference in Aachen in a few weeks’ time. However, with this not being possible in the current global pandemic, EAC2020 will go on(line). We would like to thank you for your patience as we moved our entire conference to an online platform and hope to meet everyone virtually from August 31st to September 4th! Please share the following details of our virtual concept with your members:

There will be four types of sessions during the online EAC2020:

·       Plenaries will be presented live, with the possibility to ask questions via chat

·       Parallel voice-chat sessions to discuss platform presentations (5 min discussion per presentation)

·       Parallel voice-chat sessions to discuss posters (3 min discussion per presentation)

·       Exhibition offering live interaction with sponsors

Author Notification will take place on July 20th, informing everyone on the presentation type of their contribution.

Presentations can be uploaded from August 10th to August 24th:

·       For “platform presentations” you should provide a video file of max. 12 min length

·       For “poster presentations” you should make a pitch of max. 3 min

·       All presentations: please prepare one single slide that will be uploaded and displayed during the discussion sessions

·       Posters: please submit a pdf-file of your one page poster in addition.


Presentations will be available for online viewing to all registered conference attendees starting August 28th. We have also planned exciting special events such as the Young Investigators Network (YIN) and a virtual Fun Run. We will provide further information on the required data formats of your presentations as well as on the upload procedure soon. Please keep in mind that you can manage your submitted abstracts using our conference managing system www.conftool.com/eac2020. Registration via our conference management tool will open on July 20th.


Conference fees:

Student GAeF members*:



  95.-- €

EAA Members:

135.-- €


195.-- €

                                 * as of July 1, 2020


Preliminary Program:





Kind regards,


Your EAC2020 local organizing committee



  European Aerosol Conference - EAC 2020 

  [email protected]

